
Your community partner providing quality mental health
and alcohol/drug treatment services with support, respect,
and dignity in a caring and compassionate environment.


Lakeview Heights Secure Residential Treatment Facility

Opened on February 24th, 2010 Lakeview Heights provides services to eight residents with severe and persistent mental illness. Lakeview Heights also has two crisis respite beds that are available to individuals in the community assessed to need a safe environment during a time of crisis. The facility staff consists of 25 employees with a minimum of two staff members working at all hours. The various positions include a facility administrator, assistant administrator, registered nurse, clinician (a qualified mental health professional), qualified mental health associates, residential associates, on-call residential associates and two facility cooks.

Lakeview Heights provides sub-acute treatment and rehabilitation services to civilly committed individuals. The facility offers 24-hour awake, trained staff to provide supervision, protection, and assistance with activities of daily living such as bathing, dressing, grooming, preparation of meals, as well as money management, transportation, and recreation. The goal is to provide a safe, secure facility that recognizes the dignity, individuality and right to self-determination of each resident and promotes recovery.

If you have any questions feel free to contact Lakeview Heights at (541) 676-5125.

lvh pic
Looking toward control room
and dining room.
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Inside commons area,
looking toward rear rooms.
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Rear of building.
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Looking over the lake.
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Inside commons area,
looking toward rear rooms.
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Inside commons area,
looking toward staff office.

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Front door.
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Rear of building.

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Overlooking reservoir from property.
Sometimes, instead of therapy, we just need a friendly person to listen and care about what we're going through. Peer counselors are available free to all Oregon residents.
Dial 1-800-698-2392
In Crisis?
If you have a mental health emergency and are a resident of Morrow, Wheeler, or Gilliam counties (Oregon), Dial 9-1-1. A crisis counselor is available 24/7.
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